Our Partners

Those who take the long view

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“The destination matters, but who you journey with matters just as much.

At Caplign Wealth, we believe in the power of a trusted network and the excellence of selected partners. Our partners play a crucial role in enhancing our offerings and ensuring the highest

quality of service. And when it comes to selecting the trusted few, we take care that our core values are the shared base that we operate from.

Platform partners are integral to the backbone of our services. They provide essential custodian and fund management services, among other key functions that support ourinfrastructure and operations.

Our expert network includes legal and tax experts, as well as specialists from fields like behavioural science. These experts provide specialized knowledge and insights that are critical to addressing specific needs and challenges.

Strategy and Network Partners are specialists in various fields who offer their expertise and networks to complement our services. Our advisors challenge us, and reflect with us – be it within the realms of capital markets or across disciplines. They provide valuable insights and guidance in relevant areas, enhancing our ability to deliver exceptional value to our clients.

Our Partners

UBS is a leading and truly global wealth manager and the leading universal bank in Switzerland. It also provides diversified asset management solutions and focused investment banking capabilities. With the acquisition of Credit Suisse, UBS manages 5.5 trillion dollars of invested assets as per second quarter 2023. UBS helps clients achieve their financial goals through personalized advice, solutions and products. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the firm is operating in more than 50 markets around the globe. UBS Group shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Universal Investment Group (UI) is a premier fund services platform and Super ManCo, offering asset managers and asset owners a full range of services across all asset classes, from fund structuring to active distribution. With over EUR 1 trillion in AuA, 55+ years of experience, and a team of 1,700 experts, UI is a trusted and award-winning partner, renowned for its industry leadership and client-focused solutions. Its full independence ensures unwavering commitment to driving clients’ success in Europe and beyond.

Our understanding of a liability umbrella is an association of equal partners who strengthen each other. BN & Partners Capital acts as a liability umbrella. Investment advice according to section 2 para. 2 no. 4 German Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) and investment brokerage according to section 2 para. 2 no. 3 German Banking Act shall be made on behalf of, in the name of, for the account and under the liability of the responsible legal entity BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstraße 33, 50374 Erftstadt, according to section 3 para. 2 WpIG. BN & Partners Capital AG has a corresponding license from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with section 15 WpIG for the prenamed investment services.

Pro BoutiquenFonds GmbH offers comprehensive consulting services for independent asset managers and fund initiators. The consulting division focuses on strategic advice for company formation and alignment, development of individual sales concepts, and optimization of business processes. The experts at Pro BoutiquenFonds assist in the realization of fund ideas, selection of suitable service providers, and networking within the industry. Additionally, the company provides targeted marketing and sales support to effectively position funds in the market and maximize their reach.

The smartest business solutions come when we work together. That's Simmons & Simmons: collaborative, agile, and partner-led. A law firm that challenges, creates new possibilities and offers opinion not just option. A law firm that acts as your business partner.We're international but we operate as one integrated team. And we're not just refreshingly collaborative, we're also specialists - focused on four, highly-regulated sectors. Together, we deliver smarter solutions.

Reuss Private Bank für Wertpapierhandel AG, Frankfurt am Main, is responsible for financial portfolio management and is the contractual partner for asset management clients.

Our Strategy and Network Partners

Holger Trautmann

Founder & Managing Partner Blue Ocean Strategy Partners GmbH, Co-Founder IOT Venture GmbH

I am excited to apply my proficiency in strategy development and company building at Caplign Wealth and with their clients. Alongside Caplign's subject matter expertise, I deeply appreciate the team's human essence and the enjoyable work environment they foster.

Dr. Michael Illgner

Managing Partner One May GmbH

I see three key factors for sustainable success in sport, management/leadership and financial investments: skill, effort and mindset. Caplign delivers on all three, and excels in particular in mindset. I am very enthusiastic to be an advisor to the team, serve as their sparring partner and help shape a new direction for personal finance.

How can we help?

Who are your platform partners and what role do they play?

Platform partners are integral to the backbone of our services. They provide essential custodian and fund management services, among other key functions that support our infrastructure and operations. These partners ensure the smooth and efficient management of our clients' assets, allowing us to focus on delivering superior investment strategies and personalized service.

How does your expert network contribute to your services?

Our expert network includes professionals from diverse fields such as legal, tax, and behavioural science. These specialists provide the knowledge and insights necessary to address specific needs and challenges. By leveraging their expertise, we can offer tailored solutions and informed guidance, ensuring that our clients receive comprehensive support across all aspects of their financial journey.