Katarina Cohrs
Katarina Cohrs
Katarina Cohrs

Katarina Cohrs

Co-Founder, Managing Director
Christian Hille
Stefan Hoffmann
Frank Haering
Christian Hille
Stefan Hoffmann
Frank Haering

Katarina Cohrs’ career has been dedicated to multi-asset investing both in strategy and portfolio management. Her career began in global asset allocation at UBS Wealth Management in Zurich, Hong Kong and Singapore, where she worked on constructing strategic and tactical asset allocations for the CHF 150 billion+ discretionary wealth business. Her subsequent move to London-based Aviva Investors, the asset management arm of Aviva, marked a shift in investment style away from long-only strategies to a predominantly long-short approach and the incorporation of quantitative investment strategies.

At Pictet Asset Management, Katarina worked on an absolute return fund, dynamic in nature and with global reach.
Throughout her career, Katarina has been particularly interested in translating investment philosophy into investment processes, and aligning goals and risk constraints with portfolio allocations. Her approach to investment management is driven by a commitment to clarity, innovation, and the effective translation of complex information into actionable investment strategies.

Katarina co-founded Caplign Wealth with a clear motive: to simplify wealth creation in collaboration with like-minded individuals and to foster an environment of intellectual stimulation. For her, condensing the overwhelming flow of financial information into well-designed, purposeful portfolios grounded in decades of research and proven principles is incredibly rewarding and forms the core of her professional philosophy.

Katarina holds a B.Sc. in Economics and Political Science and an M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Muenster, Germany. She has also spent significant periods studying in the United States at Hastings College in Nebraska and at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

Christian Hille
Stefan Hoffmann
Frank Haering